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contoh kalimat around the clock

"around the clock" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • They've got Mulder under security now around the clock.
    Saat ini mereka menjaga Mulder dengan pengamanan.
  • They've got those poor bastards going around the clock now.
    Mereka menangkap para bajingan miskin itu.
  • You mean news going 24 hours around the clock?
    Maksudmu berita akan mengudara selama 24 jam?
  • The kid is on your watch Around the clock, starting now
    Mereka mulai sekarang dalam pengawasanmu
  • KIDO operates at 5,000 watts around the clock.
    Gelombang pemulangan terbanyak terjadi sekira pukul 05.00 Wita.
  • We've been working around the clock, the whole unit.
    Kami bekerja sepenuh tenaga, seluruh unit juga terlibat.
  • From now on follow SP Wong around the clock
    Mulai sekarang... Ikuti Inspektur Wong selama 24 jam
  • I want men on this around the clock.
    Saya ingin orang ini ... sekitar jam.
  • Where I can monitor him around the clock.
    Dimana saya bisa memonitor dirinya sekitar jam.
  • Nine months pregnant and still working around the clock.
    Hamil sembilan bulan dan kau masih saja bekerja.
  • We'll keep a guy in the ECR around the clock.
    Kami akan terus menjaga mesin 24 jam.
  • Well, if Bradovich is working them around the clock,
    Nah, jika Bradovich memaksa mereka bekerja sepanjang waktu,
  • You've been working around the clock on this, Silas.
    Kau sudah mengerjakan ini berjam-jam, Silas.
  • Perimeter patrols around the clock, four-hour shifts.
    Patroli Perimeter sekitar jam, empat jam untuk pergantian.
  • Engineers are working around the clock trying to remove it.
    Teknisi bekerja keras untuk memindahkannya.
  • The terminal is open around the clock.
    Terminal Selatan dibuka kembali pada pukul 6 pagi.
  • Federal scientists are working around the clock to probe its secrets.
    Ilmuwan Federal terus berusaha mengungkap rahasia ini.
  • We have to keep someone on guard around the clock.
    Kita harus tetap berhati-hati, seseorang berjaga tiap jam.
  • Now, Martin has a team of investigators working around the clock.
    Martin punya investigator yang sedang mencari pelakunya.
  • We have 24 people manning Surveillance around the clock.
    Ada 24 orang bertugas memantau kamera pengawas sepanjang hari.
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